It takes about 21 days to get into the rhythm. Biologically the body adjusts to less quantity of food. This means it gets less carb and the body gets extremely tired and it feels exhausted.
I call it as getting used to time. The only thing to do is to stay on and keep cracking.
It would be stupidity to go full on now so it is important to pick habits to focus.
For example: I am highly focusing and prioritising on Food/Water/Coffee. Everything else is on back burner for me at the moment. I will not be too bothered if i do not achieve them and hence my happiness scales are higher. I have managed my expectations.
I read a ton and I wrote a ton yesterday and I do that everyday. I am a workaholic in a nice way so i do work deep everyday. In all honesty I have a flow problem not a distraction problem. I can be on a job for hours together. So these habits are not so difficult for me at the moment.
I am spending all the awareness and energy in food and water.
The reason is, I am a camel by birth 😜. I hardly drink water. 100 ml a day is a big deal. For many years I had food when i was thirsty because they both feel the same. Just drinking water does wonders to the body and my brain did not understand that for a very long time.
I was dog tired yesterday and slept by 10 PM. This is normal. For first week, you will be washed out.

Tweaking Michelangelo quote for our context
If people knew how boring I had to be to gain my goal, it would not seem so wonderful at all.
It is so true. Consistency is boring and so is compounding. It is slow gratification. Keep the awareness and love for the process ON else it is easy to fall off the track.
All that matters now is: I should keep the focus on Food and Water for next 20 days to set the routine. One by one routines can be set. Too many at a time will lead to dip in motivation and eventually failure.
Remember 1 > 0.
🥂 to staying ON!
Yo! Thanks for reading. Means a lot to me as attention is the hardest currency 🙏
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