I have been struggling to get back to normalcy post the flood and rains in Hyderabad. I lost the streak of my 21 days and I am finding it hard to get it back. Usually I get it back easily but this time it is unusually hard. So I have decided to keep it easy on me by going down the path of atomic units.
One pomodoro at a time.
My time (“t”) starts at minute one and ends at minute twenty five. Five minutes next i will have a chill time to celebrate the focus. I am not even looking at a day or half a day, just 30 mins at a time.
When i was training for my full marathon two years ago, this advice stuck to my heart. I forgot the TED talk name but the runner shared this idea of focusing only on 15 mins at a time and not thinking anything else. Just that running time. I actually progressed better and faster after the technique. I am going to extend the same technique to #onepomofocus
Within this pomodoro, did I drink enough water, did I focus better, did I eat better, did I do work at my max potential is all that matters. A green tick at the end of pomo is a great dopamine hit to my brain. Even a red tick allows us to go and set the next pomo right. Shall keep you posted how it goes and you can get me know if you are trying it at your end too!
🥂 to atomicity!

Yo! Thanks for reading. Means a lot to me as attention is the hardest currency 🙏
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