Breathing is an activity we do every moment of our living life. When it stops life also stops. The beauty of breathing is it is an involuntary activity but you can bring consciousness to it. It is hard to do this with your other involuntary activities like heart beat, metabolism etc.
Breathe is a big part of mindfulness practice. It brings the awareness to that moment in a moment if you have the resolve. Such a powerful tool must have a big part in our health isn’t it?
If you look closely into our system design, everything is connected. Breathe has the speciality of both input and output in the same thing. The way you breathe determines your well being.
When the breathe goes deep down into the lungs you can feel the wellness and when this does not happen you can feel the stress. In other words when your breathe is shallow, which most of the times we do, the body thinks it is under stress and it produces stress hormones (cortisol) to combat the situation. In your body when there is too much cortisol you will have a barrage of health issues including weight gain. Just breathing right you can avoid weight gain to a large extent and this is what happens when you do pranayama. Every 30 mins spend 5 mins breathing deeply and that should do the magic.
🥂to breathe!
Yo! Thanks for reading. Means a lot to me as attention is the hardest currency 🙏
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