The conscious choice was to fast today for breaking the plan yesterday. This was the best choice made in the past 6 days of G365 plan.
Yes, I was hungry many times during the day. I just had water and pushed it. The principle is ghrelin(hunger hormone) will subside in sometime and it did. I felt triumphant at the end of the day. It was victory over compulsion.
This gave me another idea of hunger graph. I’ll try that today and see if I can continue the streak from yesterday and make it happen. If this works, then intermittent fast for 20-4 is set and the OMAD (one meal a day) works with right amount of sleep and rest. That would be a fab for weight loss isn’t it?
It is the same plan to follow, just that the timing of eating is pushed to a window of 6-9 pm. The quantity and quality of food is still under control. This is how we could ideate on the go. If everyday can be a fast why not 😉
Only mindfulness can save us. Diets don’t and can’t. As a neuronerd I know this much that our hypothalamus will be so worried now about weight loss and it will find every opportunity to add the weight back. So it is the fight over limbic system with cortex my friends! Gonna be hard but with mindfulness we can empathetic about the brain and its struggles. This way we will not give in so easily.
It is easy to be a human. It is hard to be a conscious human.

🥂 to fasting!
Yo! Thanks for reading. Means a lot to me as attention is the hardest currency 🙏
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