In sum total
As a system designer, I am more excited about biology than psychology. You need to understand that your system works a certain way. Like all systems, our human body also needs maintenance. Biologically we own a space ship and not a bullock cart.
Our human body is the most intricate system I have ever seen in my profession as a system designer. I am still in awe at the creator. So unique but still follows a blueprint. So systemic yet self-repair mode is on at all times 🤯
So we can do this much that we can keep the machine well oiled at all times. To do that here is my recommendation. Follow these guiding principles your system should be fine.
Ensure your farm to fork is kept at minimal every single day. Don’t exceed beyond 3 whatsoever.
Be active every day. The more active you are with your body and mind, your system maintenance will go down.
Try and follow the bowl system . One bowl at a time. Your body should eat only when hungry. That is the only way your cognitive functions are going to stay awesome.
Rest well. If sleep is the only form of rest you get, then do that well. 7 hours of sleep should keep your body intact.
Breathe well. Ensure you are aware of your breathing. Make it is a point to breathe deeply most times.
Hydrate well. Ensure you drink enough water in a day. It does not mean 2-3 liters. Drink water whenever you are thirsty and hungry as both feel the same.
If this can be a routine in your life for 18 months, wellbeing will happen naturally. You don’t have to worry about being in ketosis or glucosis for now.
My routine is as below
Eat when hungry and only when hungry. Try and drink water first and see if the hunger still exists post 20 mins. If yes, go and eat a fruit or a salad. If you still feel hungry after 20 mins or so, then eat some protein. If still hungry eat some potato or sweet potato (starch). If you still feel hungry eat some cooked food. This is my stack order to eat something. If I can stop at the water I do. If I can stop at the fruits I do. The lesser you eat better for you.
Walk for 30 mins in the day. Use this time to spend with yourself. Breathe well.
Every 60 mins take a 5 mins break. Rest in this 5 mins. No phones. No talking. Just sit with your eyes closed or lie down. After 5 mins you will feel rejuvenated and better. Try this.
Split your days into 30 mins time slots so that you know how many slots spent on what. What you don’t measure cannot be improved.
I did enough experiments and lost enough weight to come to these simple conclusions. I was supposed to kick start my grand finale project 90-60 in 2020 and I haven’t found a right time to do this. Thanks to pandemic. Now that things are settling down, I am kickstarting my project 1 Sept 2020 onwards. The idea is to change the habits and lifestyle and losing weight without losing your mind.
Good luck with your weight loss and good health! Our series ends here. Hope you have a little more reverence towards your body and your self. If self care is achieved by 1% then this series has attained nirvana 🙏

Yo! Thanks for reading. Means a lot to me as attention is the hardest currency 🙏
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