16 year basic education(K-12) is a common theme across the globe. Rightfully so!
Learning takes longer for our brains. There is nothing called as quick when it comes to learning.
We are not taught how we learn.
Our educators are not trained on Meta Learning concepts.
Our education system doesn’t take into consideration how the mind works
As a result we have a poor education system. There is nothing to cram and crush when it comes to learning. You can’t.
Human brain has two modes when it comes to learning something. It can focus and distill. You need to be in two modes at two different times to learn.
You must focus on a topic for “n” mins (can’t be more than 45-60 mins at a time) and you must allow your brain to wander to connect the dots (taking walks, showers, naps etc). Both must happen for learning to happen. Learning compounds in us over a period of time. It is a slow and a deliberate process for the brain. If we allow more time, encoding happens else it doesn’t it and hence you forget when you cram.
We speak about continuous learning as if it is a new invention of modern times 🙄 it has been this way for ages as our human minds are made this way.
🥂to learning!