You must not have digested what i said yesterday 😜 No exercise, are you kidding me 🤷🏽♀️
Let me explain. Like digestive system the other systems in the human body are also treasure troves. The combo of muscular system and skeletal systems is just amazing. These systems work together to make us who we are.
When it comes to weight loss, most people think that exercise is the greatest key to changing their body, but it actually isn't. It's almost always about the food you're eating. But movement is great. To appreciate the greatness you must understand some nuances of the body.
I said no to exercise because we associate it to working with machines, weights and a lot of hard core activities like running etc. But if you closely look into exercise, it is nothing but a movement. When did normal movement become such a big deal?
Movement is one of our body’s basic functions and it should perform what it is intended. Moving should never be burdensome. Don’t let exercise become burdensome to you. By focusing on the goal as “movement” rather than “working out,” you can find ways to incorporate motion into your daily life in a way that feels good.
Goodness of movement
Enhanced moods: Basic movements combat stress and anxiety. They help in maintaining a positive mood and preventing stress from accumulating in your body.
Enhanced brain health: Exercise improves cognitive performance for people of all ages. We have a brain to move and not the other way around. So move.
Enhanced bone health: Any sustained activity in which you work against the force of gravity, such as walking, dancing, or taking the stairs, helps to build bone mass.
Healthier Lymphs: Unlike the circulatory or respiratory systems, the lymphatic system does not have a “pump.” Instead, it relies on your motion to circulate lymph fluid around the body. Each time you move large muscles of the body, you help pump lymphatic fluid through your body, keeping your systems circulating.
Enhanced Libido: Regularly moving the body may help to increase sexual functions and arousal. The mechanism may be related to increased hormone production as well as endorphins.
You don’t need to go to gym to move, you can move in many other ways in stress-free manner. Here are a few samples. Walk in the mall, take a call from a friend and keep walking, lift your laundry and tone your muscles, walk up the stairs, park the car far away and walk to your destination, sun dry your clothes (don’t use a drier), chop fruits and vegetables, play with children, weed the garden, mix the soil etc. You can bring in variety of movement into your life in a variety of ways. Once you get healthy and your muscles are ready for more movements then move more deliberately like stretches, jogs etc. For starters just move.
Standing, sitting, bending, stretching are all types of movements. There are about 12 movement types in our body. Our skeletal system is equipped and designed to move in all these manner. So use the body. The more you use it, the better it gets. Just don’t make movement very stressful. That is all.
🥂to movement!
