So far we discussed about the systems, linkages, workings and relationships so that we can fathom how the body works.
By now the outcome fallacy would have made you impatient. Despite the bias if you still reading this kudos. It is natural to ask for what is the quick route, short cuts, cheat sheets, pills, potions, powders, machines etc. Working from first principles is hard work but the best way to get awesome results. So thanks for chugging along!
What we call as weight gain is when the number shown in our weighing scale increases between past and present. Actually this number varies everyday depending upon a number of factors like body fluids, hormones, muscle mass and fats. So it is not such an accurate measurement to rely on however you can look at the trends. If it is going up over a period of time, then your weight gain is happening for real.
All said and done, not all weight gain is equal. What bothers us is when we don’t fit into our old clothes, we don’t feel so good in our bodies, we are unable to sleep well, when we are not able run a flight of stairs, when our knees hurt badly after walking a few steps etc. In that case what is obesity then?
Let us define obesity first. A lot of folks (especially women obsess about weight when they are actually good enough). Look at your Body Mass Index (BMI). There is enough content in the internet that talks for and against BMI.
My guidance is to stick to first principles and you will not go wrong. Let us go with simple calculations that costs ZERO. You don’t need rocket science and fancy meters to tell you: you are fat. A ball park number that I use as a guideline to figure out obesity is BMI.
There are calculators to help you calculate your BMI. I use this one.
Worry if your BMI is >30. Between 25-30, you are overweight for sure. If it is between 18-24, you are fine. So think about weight loss seriously if your BMI >25.
On the other hand, be thankful to your body for managing the factory inside and manifesting as body mass outside. Obesity clearly shows that
some systems inside the body is not working so well.
input provided is not right (quality and quantity).
Typically the systems involved in the process are digestive and endocrine systems.
Once we understand what is not working from the roots, we will know how to manage weight gain.
Remember you have only one body and it will stick to you for the rest of your life. It is your responsibility to take care of it in whatever ways you could. If we understand the system inside, you will be able to debug what is not working. It is that simple! The intent of this series is to give you the first principles and simple tools to manage your body effectively all by yourself.
🥂to measurement!

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