In the path of truth, mortality cannot be missed.
Knowing everyday that I’ll die one day has been the biggest anchor to live well. The limited time offer on this planet earth and the approaching expiry date has been the biggest agent for getting my act together, be grateful and do something significant.
Remembering mortality everyday in my morning pages has been the best possible routine I have had in the past few weeks which made my day more intense and more meaningful. There was a fear to think about death and the fear is real. But the more I realised and accepted the truth that death is coming and will happen, I am being my best version every single day.
Recently I started living in 30 min blocks. I am not planning and living for eternity. I live 30 mins at a time. I plan, schedule, do, track, reflect and rest, all in 30 mins. This has been the best tool I have had in managing self in a long time. My monkey mind jumps and asks, how about next week, how about 2021 etc. I do listen in and put down all my thoughts for 2021 in that 30 mins and call it a block.
Atomic Accountability is the most enlightening productivity tool I have ever created and used so far. 30 mins at a time. The awareness is constantly on and that helps.
🥂 to limited time!