Are human beings pessimistic? Are we negative by nature? Why can’t we see the positivity in everything. The answer is our system is innately built to recognise negative aspects, dangerous aspects around us. This aids our survival.
Our negativity bias is 9x. If we see a tiger, we will fear the tiger and ensure we will not go near. If we did not have a negativity bias in us, we will pet the tiger and the tiger will eat us alive. The negativity bias is inbuilt as a mechanism of survival. Anything that threatens our survival, we find a way to escape it. Negativity is one of them. We tend to be impacted by things of a more negative nature (e.g. unpleasant thoughts, emotions, or social interactions; harmful/traumatic events) than neutral or positive things. It is just human. So it is natural for human beings to have guards on when interacting in a new environment, when building a new relationship etc. This is why building trust takes time.
🥂to survival!