If you search in youtube about ideas to earn more, you will get a million results of how to make money online, how to side hustle, how to work part time, how to make a few bucks everyday etc A lot of shitty advice is floating around and unfortunately they get millions of impressions.
Look at this from the first principles perspective. Your significance ratio depends on the value you deliver. To increase the density of value in a short time, you need mastery in one area. You need to eat, sleep, breathe that area. If this is your core area that you identify yourself with, you must know this area in and out. If you want to make money using something you must know it. Otherwise it can end up gobbling your money (including stock markets or real estate or angel investing etc).
I have made this silly mistake of making a lot of money in my mastery area (design) and losing them in investments (startups, real estates, portfolio funds etc). We will speak about managing funds later. Now we are talking about earning more and not managing what you have earned.
To earn more, you must be top class in that area. Else you can’t command that premium. Choose a core area and try and make all your money from that area. I have found this limitation very fulfilling and doable. Making money from diversified sources will also diversify your attention. Believe me, you don’t have so much attention to invest. If diversification is your cup of tea, make that your mastery like what investors do. They diversify their funds and invest in many ideas. That is a lot of work. It looks rosy from outside but not making money from 19/20 investments is painful. So long story short, pick a mastery area, become a valuable player and keep playing so that you get your financial independence from your area. Burn the ship and say you will make all your money from that one area only.
Tough path but worth pursuing. You can’t have one area of interest and mastery and another area to make money. Such a thing never works. Take it from someone who believed my subject (design) will keep me poor and I need other areas to make me rich. BS.
🥂to mastery!
Spot on