Human nature is fascinating.
You need to override defaults of human nature to make progress, add efficiency and enhance effectiveness. If you start getting comfortable with your defaults, progress gets questionable and then we worry about not getting better.
As energy conserving machines, our defaults are designed to not push us hard. If you need to override the nature’s way of enhancing efficiency through evolution, you need to cut through the process. So override your default veto. The choice is yours.
Default list
don’t think much
don’t move much
get distracted
not focus hard
don’t act, action is energy intensive
worry about everything to safeguard
don’t commit
believe in your own stories
add guilt to feel better
Our defaults are tuned towards energy conservation. Over ride all the above to move forward.
🥂to override!
Restarting my routines and rhythms from today. Will post the details from tomorrow.
Yo! Thanks for reading. Means a lot to me as attention is the hardest currency 🙏
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