Personal Finance Series
What an amazing month June has been in terms of learning?
30 big ideas about human nature, drip by drip every single day. Wasn’t it awesome to learn something new everyday? Let me know how you felt. If you have me authentic feedback, I would love to hear from you. By just saying what you feel, you will help me make things better. Gratitude 🙏 Just reply to this email and I will read every single word.
Let’s talk about personal finance all of July. I am excited. As a designer, I deal with a lot of pixels everyday. As an entrepreneur and an investor, I deal with a lot of money everyday. I have made amazing and horrible decisions in my life. I am here to tell you my ideas about financial freedom and how i achieved it using first principles. It may be against all theories out there but hey, it is what it is and what worked for me. I was able to retire at the age of 32 (now 41) and it has been an awesome ride since then! So let’s go ahead and talk about money every single day for the next 30 days 🤑
If you feel any of your friends will benefit from this topic, pls share this daily newsletter with them and ask them to subscribe. My greed is to liberate human kind from the crutches of finance.
🥂to money!