Human beings are unique!
You might have heard this statement before.
Have you ever wondered how unique is a human being? If you do not know it yet, let me share some tangible numbers with you. Right now, we have ~7.3B human beings on the planet earth. This number is expected to increase to about ~9B in the next decade. There are also discussions that the population will not go beyond ~11B.
In this population, to find another you, what are the chances? Science proves that to find an exact you in this planet, the ratio is 1:400 trillion! This means that not just now, even in next few decades there is not going to be another you on this planet. Think about it. There is one you and that special you will remain special forever.
Isn't that super exciting?
Should you not go and be the best YOU, you can be?
Should you not work towards making use of this super speciality of you?
Should you not preserve the YOU in you?
Even better, should you not work towards designing the YOU consciously?
Think about it and let me know, how YOU you want to be?
Stay tuned for DesignU that is coming to make the YOU into a better YOU every single day :)
Loved the math. On a Lighter note, If I am going to be unique for Decades.. Am I not the BEST ME already? :)